Happy Valen – TIME Day

While the world says to “say it with flowers” I have another idea.
I was at the grocery store tonight when I noticed quite a few men rushing around… not for groceries, but for flowers. What was more noticeable was that none of them looked particularly happy, but rather rushed and irritated. I made a nice comment to one man and he scowled at me as if I had suggested he scrub toilets for a month.
I turned the corner and another man was being crabby with his three children. He pushed one out of my way and told them all to “watch out for other people.” He then grumbled about “what to get Mom.” They were very quiet and simply followed him, yet he was clearly a wreck.
When he pushed them out of my way, I told him “Oh, it’s okay… they are just fine!” To soften the moment, I told him how lucky he was. He stopped in his tracks, and said “Huh?” I told him how I much I missed my children being “those ages.” He responded, “”Really? Do you want them?” And I said, “I know you’re joking, but yes, yes! I’d love to be in the company of these wonderful children. Do you realize how blessed you are?” He listened, so I went on with, “You know… the best thing in life is simply spending time with the ones we love.” He peered at me, then thanked me, and I got the feeling we were meant to cross paths tonight.
If I could give all the scrambling, rose-grabbing men in that store a gift, it would be a glimpse into the future. They might consider slowing down, skipping the roses, and realizing what many women want isn’t “stuff”; it’s quality time. She’s not looking for a man to begrudgingly take the kids shopping to end up being crabby with them. She is looking for a man who treats his family with love and respect while truly celebrating their existence.
I have a greeting card framed on my dresser that says “Enjoy the LITTLE things for one day you will look back and realize they were the BIG things.” I’m glad someone gave this card to me when my children were young because it deepened my outlook on parenting.
What are the little things you are taking for granted right now that will later turn out to be the BIG things? Years from now, will you look back with regret or with happiness?
And on this pre- Valentine’s Day, one man needed to realize he didn’t need a dozen roses for his wife. All he really needed was to nurture the three roses he had in arms before he even walked in the store.
Photo credit: “Punchy Petals” original painting by Barbara Benda Nagle ©
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