Nutrition, Wellness and Health Coaching – onsite and virtual services including coaching, motivational nutrition presentations, worksite wellness consulting, grocery store tours, etc.

Author Archive

What’s in your May Basket?

Do you remember the tradition of making May Baskets and taking them to the homes of friends and family, ringing the doorbell, then running away to see if they could catch you?  I remember making May baskets out of wallpaper swatches, carefully choosing colors and designs for the cone-shaped baskets, gluing or stapling the ends […]

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Hop…like a Bunny!

Easter Sunday 1962 Whenever my mom wanted one of her daughters (8 to be exact) to do something quickly for her, she would say “Go now, hop like a bunny!” and we would spring into action.  I found myself saying the same thing to my boys, but added another one, “let’s go… lickety-splitity!” Do you […]

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Living vs. Existing: Thoughts on My Favorite Octogenarian


Today, I am thinking about my amazing Aunt Mary, who was born on this date in 1910.  She lived to be 102, and stayed on her farm until age 101, when she moved into an assisted living facility.  I still remember her 100th birthday party at “the farm.”  When my twin sister, who is a teacher, told her young students that […]

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